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Friday, 6 September 2013

Call me a witch, the siren, voodoo queen

Call me a witch, the siren, voodoo queen
I lay a spell on you, lead to the realm of spirits
i jumble all misfortunes, afflictions, miseries ,
hardships into enchanted cauldron , boil
disperse them in a vapor, disintegrate into thin air

trust me, I will not let you down
with the baton, conjure protective aura around
the defense wall, break cocoon of evil, lift burden
I perform the white magic only, wishing good things to come
never black, it will boomerang right back at you, bad karma

no need to worry much, I prophesy , me at your side
you soon be cleared from debacles, fiascoes never tangle your life
no havoc in the making, everything will be alright, have faith
now , I must go, the broom is waiting, the twigs buzzing
in the anticipation, have a rendezvous with destiny tonight, adieux

by Margaret Gudkov


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