Breaking News
Friday, 13 September 2013

I remember The day's golden rays of sun

I remember

The day's golden rays of sun
Changed into silver twilight of the evening
Suddenly sobering up before night's tenure
I light the candle for departed souls ,praying

For my granny and my mother
They left long time ago one after another
Tonight is special night for resurrecting loved ones
The Wailing Wall of memories redoubt in mind

The mother's gentle eyes and demeanor
The rye bread with a cheese and butter
Eating together cold fried fish from the skillet
Tall grass full of the ugly caterpillars

Grandma 's authoritative voice
Booming in the small apartment
Grandpa would leave not winning ever argument
And food she'd make that i am still cannot forget about it

What tragedy indeed
The daughter left before the mother
The granny was a strong woman coming
From the generation of the war
I love them both ,my angels I commemorate you


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