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Tuesday, 10 September 2013

The sunflowers

The sunflowers

The honeymoon galloped with
A dizzying speed ,we had to part
You shipping to the Russian front 
To the unknown destiny awaiting by the door

I am staying in the bella Italy
Counting the days, listen to news
Alone in house, swimming in the thoughts
About our whirlwind romance and the marriage

You fed me with frittata , I laughed and said
I will not eat the eggs till the rest of my life 
We took a walk , suddenly bombs fell near us
You put your arms around , whispering don't be afraid

The war is over now , but you did not comeback
No proof the dead or the alive, gut feeling tells
You still here on the earth, in the Russian side
So , why or why you never wrote ?

The horror tales brought by ones who made it
The snow swallowing the strength , the food is scarce
The soldiers left expiring on the frozen spilled milk
Killed by games the rulers play , caring less of victims

Italy, your sons were dying in the foreign land
Not understanding why they had to suffer
My love you are the one of the statistics 
The karma send the Russian woman , deciding

There was no time yet for you to see the pearly gates 
She fed you , curing body but not soul
The memory completely gone afoul , gaping holes
Mother, me, Mount Vesuvius , broken pieces

The marriage was performed in gratitude 
The baby girl, something was not right
But what?My poor Italian soldier
Lost in the steppes of the sunflowers

You there , I am here finally found out the truth
How unfair , we parted without really tasting fruit
Of love, sunflowers hung their heads trickling
Dewy tears, watching us separating after brief alliance

The sunflowers grew in Russian meadows on the blood and bones


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