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Showing posts with label Love Poetry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Love Poetry. Show all posts
Thursday 12 September 2013
Time Goes By...

Time Goes By...

Time Goes By...
With the strong wind without a lie
Took over the Conjunction of love
measured how depth it crawled from above
I Really ain't known it started
like a torn cloud in the Sky,
Which had flown trough been divided
What should i do to cut off the pain,
When i realized that the feeling had already run out to gain?
And It would be hard to Throw the smile ...
Although it had replaced into tears of thousand miles..
Please don't u ever think about the past
because it just makes ur time becomes fast
Then I say I Love u Honey
To let u Know...
That r words That never be the last

+Ralf Setecki +peter ebner +Poetry With Pic +Point Blank Music School +Poetry +Urdu Poetry +Urdu Poetry +Urdu Poetry
What woman want...

What woman want...

What woman want...

What woman want?
love, till the death us part, affection
trust without conditions, the sureness in her partner
attention, the complete immersion in details, loyalty

woman all the same in this sense, waiting to exhale
the moment , prince on white horse put her on a saddle
dance under the moon , drinks cocktails , write poems
building castles on a sand, dream of white wedding dresses

the rude awakening, he ain't no prince, more camel or the frog
the morning after, infidelities, violence, absinthal arguments
bitter divorces, animosities grow out of proportions , discord
my mother told me so, no Cinderella story, the Pandora's box

the boxing match of life, who will be first to get knockdown?
romantic yearning gone, the gladiator on arena against the lion
blood for blood, the reality is hitting, stone the mind, grand finale
problem , should not bet all the hopes of happiness on someone
we humans are not perfect, disappointment' bell is very loud
Monday 9 September 2013
Translating love

Translating love

Translating love

My love for you is so profound
It fills me up to brim with aura of
Sunlit dynamism ,I cannot exhale,
Overwhelmed by it's walloping power

Translating into words is useless task
It losing youthful ardor of the kisses
How can you translate moonshine,
Mirroring on ocean's body? or peaches'
Melliferous sinful taste ,flooding the mouth?
No need to fuss about this, it's obvious to eyes
Yes, paraphrasing beauty of the love not 
Possible for me, like catching Phoenix's feather 
I just project what i feel for you in my humble poems
Stratum of the heart

Stratum of the heart

Stratum of the heart

In stratum of your heart
I live , with every second of your life
Inhaling and exhaling, with dawn rose
Washed curtains opening the sky to feast

Your eyes on it's ornamental beauty
With sunset ,locking sky for the nocturnal dreams
I am nearby ,in heart and mind, witnessing the ups
And downs , the smiles ,sobbings when nobody see it

I know I am your world
Likewise you are mine ,we comfortable together
In this little bubble,it's fragile cover barely hanging
Tough against the spiny actuality,jabbing us in soul

Sunday 8 September 2013
When love is gone...

When love is gone...

When love is gone...

When love is gone
Then what is left?
The wall of speechlessness
Poison and betrayal
The venom slowly
Eats away your body
The mind is destroyed

It hurts all over, remembering
The years you been adored,
Showered with affection
Swim in the ocean of his love
Sun in the day, the moon at night
Attracting happiness in every turn

Gone..forever , drown in the Styx
Marooned in the nothingness
The tears and sorrows are your pals
When love is gone......

Friday 6 September 2013
Lust or love

Lust or love

Lust or love

Many times we are confusing
love and lust, the difference is huge
like ocean and the lake, they could not compare
nor come close in any sense, creating total havoc in the mind

lust, fixation on the body and looks
without any interest in conversation, sex
only sex , guiding the brain , no cuddling after
or the breakfast, studying, starring in each others eyes

lovers only, never friends
relationship is daydreaming illusion, talk over not
keep feelings on frozen level, wearing rose colored
glasses, the real person , please step in and say hello

love, be together always
time without like torture , physical and moral
talking , losing sense of time and space, pure nirvana
hugging , smiling , kissing, holding arms when walking

love, he/she motivates,
giving stimulation be the better person
happiness of lover is important, kindred spirits
meeting at the gates of paradise, heaven on the earth

one thing is never wrong... the lust for life,
the lust for love

by Margaret Gudkov
Dream on

Dream on

Dream on

Dream of me
in a midsummer night
dream of me
under brightness of the sunshine
dream of me
in a rainy,gloomy day,when nature cries
dream of me
sitting in cafe,smoking,sipping wine
dream of me
dancing cha cha in Rio carnival
dream of me
in wedding dress,waltzing on a ballroom floor
dream of me
in agonizing pain,don't give up the fight
dream,dream my love
don't stop

by Margaret Gudkov
Call me a witch, the siren, voodoo queen

Call me a witch, the siren, voodoo queen

Call me a witch, the siren, voodoo queen
I lay a spell on you, lead to the realm of spirits
i jumble all misfortunes, afflictions, miseries ,
hardships into enchanted cauldron , boil
disperse them in a vapor, disintegrate into thin air

trust me, I will not let you down
with the baton, conjure protective aura around
the defense wall, break cocoon of evil, lift burden
I perform the white magic only, wishing good things to come
never black, it will boomerang right back at you, bad karma

no need to worry much, I prophesy , me at your side
you soon be cleared from debacles, fiascoes never tangle your life
no havoc in the making, everything will be alright, have faith
now , I must go, the broom is waiting, the twigs buzzing
in the anticipation, have a rendezvous with destiny tonight, adieux

by Margaret Gudkov
I cannot describe How my heart is fumbling now

I cannot describe How my heart is fumbling now

I cannot describe
How my heart is fumbling now
Squeezed tightly in the unyielding
Grip of the death wish

I am tired from the life
Harassed by the rigid dowry
Left for me in long procession
What my ancestors did in past

Or maybe did not do
I pay for it severely now, appraised
And discounted with an iron hand
The raped senses agony branded

Sibilating emblem on the heart
Holding bated breath ,awaiting
Love to shower joyful confetti
Guess i fell asleep when God was
Giving out happiness ..and missed my stroke of luck
Thursday 5 September 2013
You violated me

You violated me

You violated me
Entering the body
Despite the cries and
Appeals to stop this madness deed

Ignoring,you continued
Satisfying urge of the sick mind
Calling me crazy, saying we been
Together quite long time, is nothing wrong

What kinda pleasure man
Acquire when he holds woman
Against her will, combatively fighting off
Sobbing the rivers, eyes closing in revolt

Do not try to dominate
Playing the big man, after all you lost
Not gaining anything, abhorrence and
Disgust not to see your face is my burning wish

Throw the attempts to not let me go
It is futile ...I am not here .... gone .... goodby

by Margaret Gudkov

painting by Ryohei Hase
The screaming rain

The screaming rain

The screaming rain beating at my face like 1000 drums
I am crying, salty tears mixing with a water in one ocean gushing over, leaving me vacate breathless, requiring air urgently, i am drowning I cry, silently in vain nobody see or feel it, the rain covers everything hoisting the pain to far away place, I feel lighter than the feather, no body aches to suffer anymore weightless , the soul only seagull, freed of yoke of hate by Margaret Gudkov "Crying in the rain " by Rosalian
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