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Urdu Ghazal

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Showing posts with label Romantic Poetry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Romantic Poetry. Show all posts
Thursday 12 September 2013
Don't hold someone

Don't hold someone

Don't hold someone

Don't hold someone
Who does not want to stay
Let him continue on his journey
The transit passenger between the flights

One who does not want to be with you
He have his own crash course and the destination
Let him go withholding hand and turn the back
He is blocking other person coming to your life

Is hard I know to do on practice
When one is so attached to the heart and soul
The brain dictating logic is not working
The simple truth is both will suffer at the end

We are all mere mortals full of mistakes and flows
The people come for reason in the our lives
One who truly love will never leave you in the shambles
Inventing not excuses , he will come no matter what and stay for good
Wednesday 11 September 2013
 Isadora,Isadora whisper of a woman

Isadora,Isadora whisper of a woman


whisper of a woman
flower from another world
gossamer angel
dancing in an air
so full of light
so full of light

she is dancing
arms and legs
are flying
it is unbearable
to watch
so full of pain
her arms are pleading,
crying for children
long lost

almost to exhaustion
try to forget
try to forget
remember not
those awful days
the pain of loss
the pain of wrath
the raging soul
in a search of peace

her life was constant
crossing of the border
from sanity to madness
and back on again
love for the handsome
Russian poet was also
way over the top
she lived with a complete abandon
drank happiness and sorrows
from the cup
death was accidental mishap
befitting end
bizarre,like everything she did
the boa caught inside the wheel
muffling forever feeble soul

dancer,blessed by God
Tuesday 10 September 2013
Rain undressed me

Rain undressed me

Rain undressed me

Rain, undressed me
Soaking the skin , grazing in
The fondling wetness , the pearly
Teardrops kneaded body in the perfect softness

Knocked to the ground
I glide , enveloped by kisses of the heaven
Empowered with knowledge,God sent Love
For me to suffer and enjoy, both in the same time

Raising my hands to sky
I am beaming with a gracious smile
Lord, drench me in the rain , dry me in
Sunshine, but do not leave in emptiness
The black-inked world ,where Love is dead
I will not last too long withering in prune

Rain did not stop was a sign

Friday 6 September 2013
Dream on

Dream on

Dream on

Dream of me
in a midsummer night
dream of me
under brightness of the sunshine
dream of me
in a rainy,gloomy day,when nature cries
dream of me
sitting in cafe,smoking,sipping wine
dream of me
dancing cha cha in Rio carnival
dream of me
in wedding dress,waltzing on a ballroom floor
dream of me
in agonizing pain,don't give up the fight
dream,dream my love
don't stop

by Margaret Gudkov
Call me a witch, the siren, voodoo queen

Call me a witch, the siren, voodoo queen

Call me a witch, the siren, voodoo queen
I lay a spell on you, lead to the realm of spirits
i jumble all misfortunes, afflictions, miseries ,
hardships into enchanted cauldron , boil
disperse them in a vapor, disintegrate into thin air

trust me, I will not let you down
with the baton, conjure protective aura around
the defense wall, break cocoon of evil, lift burden
I perform the white magic only, wishing good things to come
never black, it will boomerang right back at you, bad karma

no need to worry much, I prophesy , me at your side
you soon be cleared from debacles, fiascoes never tangle your life
no havoc in the making, everything will be alright, have faith
now , I must go, the broom is waiting, the twigs buzzing
in the anticipation, have a rendezvous with destiny tonight, adieux

by Margaret Gudkov
I cannot describe How my heart is fumbling now

I cannot describe How my heart is fumbling now

I cannot describe
How my heart is fumbling now
Squeezed tightly in the unyielding
Grip of the death wish

I am tired from the life
Harassed by the rigid dowry
Left for me in long procession
What my ancestors did in past

Or maybe did not do
I pay for it severely now, appraised
And discounted with an iron hand
The raped senses agony branded

Sibilating emblem on the heart
Holding bated breath ,awaiting
Love to shower joyful confetti
Guess i fell asleep when God was
Giving out happiness ..and missed my stroke of luck
Thursday 5 September 2013
You violated me

You violated me

You violated me
Entering the body
Despite the cries and
Appeals to stop this madness deed

Ignoring,you continued
Satisfying urge of the sick mind
Calling me crazy, saying we been
Together quite long time, is nothing wrong

What kinda pleasure man
Acquire when he holds woman
Against her will, combatively fighting off
Sobbing the rivers, eyes closing in revolt

Do not try to dominate
Playing the big man, after all you lost
Not gaining anything, abhorrence and
Disgust not to see your face is my burning wish

Throw the attempts to not let me go
It is futile ...I am not here .... gone .... goodby

by Margaret Gudkov

painting by Ryohei Hase
The screaming rain

The screaming rain

The screaming rain beating at my face like 1000 drums
I am crying, salty tears mixing with a water in one ocean gushing over, leaving me vacate breathless, requiring air urgently, i am drowning I cry, silently in vain nobody see or feel it, the rain covers everything hoisting the pain to far away place, I feel lighter than the feather, no body aches to suffer anymore weightless , the soul only seagull, freed of yoke of hate by Margaret Gudkov "Crying in the rain " by Rosalian
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