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Showing posts with label English Poetry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label English Poetry. Show all posts
Wednesday 18 September 2013
The is  Life an adventure

The is Life an adventure

The is  Life an adventure

As I mature in years
Inside I am a child with the voracious appetite
Still hungry for the taste that never tasted
For things that never tried ,for hugs and kisses

I want to hear the sounds of the forests
Never visited before ,the muttering of waves
Lashing the distant islands ,listen to the music
Did not like back in the year ,the bossa nova of Brazil or smooth jazz

There books waiting in the dusty corners
Expecting me to pick them up and learn
The brushes lingering in hidden drawers
Begging also to be picked up and draw

I strive to live the life not predictable in any way
Worth to remember when the sliver strands of hair
Become majority on head and energy would be the feeble trickle
I'd sit by fireplace to warm old bones and smile with a satisfaction
The flames of the adventures erupt in eyes,surprised at nothing
You say be yourself

You say be yourself

You say be yourself

You say be yourself
It is easier to say then done
If I don't know exactly who I am
Biting the dust of roads in the search of

True identity ,the essence of the soul
I do not know what action I will follow
What rules I break behaving or behaving not
Depends what point of view you take it

First I should find myself
In the puzzle pieces destiny keeps dropping
Mixing them with aggravating vigor
Then only I'll decide which way to go

Find your calling is not an easy task ..believe me
Sunday 15 September 2013



Peter O'Brien of Ireland was a funny sort of lad
He was still a virgin and this it made him glad
No girl had ever touched him to take his cherry away
Until the day that he was raped down at Micken's Bay

He was working at the fish plant, his shirt he did take off
All his muscles were loved by girls, but all the guys did scoff
He made the girls so horny they couldn't take it anymore
So they held him down and, one by one, they made good Peter a whore

He had never before experienced the thrills that one could get
But then he did it all the time, he'd developed a taste for it
There was no position he didn't try, no woman he wouldn't do
The number of kids he fathered was one hundred thousand and two

More than ten got pregnant down at that plant first day
Micken's growth tripled first year his cherry went away
He's the father of our city and girls come from all around
Just for Peter to do them in the grass or on the ground

Peter never seemed to get enough, he always wanted more
He liked to do it and do it he did, but soon it did get sore
His strength began to fail and soon he did die
There wasn't a woman in the land who can say she did not cry

Peter he has been buried and on his headstone does read
Here lies the greatest lover, the rabbit of his breed
He's laid more women in his life than most men have ever seen
Except the only one he want, the busty, young Colleen
Friday 13 September 2013
The life unpredictable windstorms

The life unpredictable windstorms

The life unpredictable windstorms

The life unpredictable windstorms
Appearing on horizon out of nowhere
You just basked in the tranquility of sun's rays
And now have to fight for to stay on feet ,for the survival

It comes and goes like this
Spiraling roller coaster of the events
Nobody is secure ,the rich or poor
You can nosedive in pit of snakes or soar like an eagle

Oh how i sometimes desire to be a fool
Not thinking much at all,be in ignorant mundane bliss
Day in ,day out ,good food ,good sleep,no extra thought
Avoiding scary part of planning things with unexpected final
Thursday 12 September 2013
Time Goes By...

Time Goes By...

Time Goes By...
With the strong wind without a lie
Took over the Conjunction of love
measured how depth it crawled from above
I Really ain't known it started
like a torn cloud in the Sky,
Which had flown trough been divided
What should i do to cut off the pain,
When i realized that the feeling had already run out to gain?
And It would be hard to Throw the smile ...
Although it had replaced into tears of thousand miles..
Please don't u ever think about the past
because it just makes ur time becomes fast
Then I say I Love u Honey
To let u Know...
That r words That never be the last

+Ralf Setecki +peter ebner +Poetry With Pic +Point Blank Music School +Poetry +Urdu Poetry +Urdu Poetry +Urdu Poetry
Tuesday 10 September 2013
The sunshine rabbit

The sunshine rabbit

The sunshine rabbit

The sunshine rabbit skipped
Through the glass, leaping on my
Walls, trying to catch his own shadow
I clapped without result, he escaped my trap

What a clever ball of light, outsmarted me again
Plotting probably with wind to dissolve in air
Sunshine eternal beauty, stay more and play
I am enamored with you , come and kiss my lips

Alas, he did not listen, leapfrogging back to nature
The wind plays the symphony with branches
They go staccato,violently shaking in the rhythm
Then pause in reposing mode going reluctantly

In the soft andante, chocolate trunks swaying
Leaves choir agreeable in unison, alto voices
Strike the chord in the bereft heart of mine
Wanting to free the caged bird and let it fly

Woman with fan

Woman with fan

Woman with fan

The ornate fan designed for
The hands of woman who launches on a sofa
In the lazy disposition,calling for maid to abide
Her every whim,pouting her lips like a spoiled tot

The air in apartments heavy from the incense
Drapes do not let the sun to come and bright some things
She sighs loudly ,awaiting suitor to arrive and entertain her
Panting for breath in heated room,fan there laying handy

The dainty instrument of the seduction
Where woman hide her face if choose
Coquettishly play games purring like a kitten
Or using it to show the anger with a sweeping moves

Who made this little thing was certain
That a woman with a merit can turn even this silly nothing
Into the formidable weapon
The sunflowers

The sunflowers

The sunflowers

The honeymoon galloped with
A dizzying speed ,we had to part
You shipping to the Russian front 
To the unknown destiny awaiting by the door

I am staying in the bella Italy
Counting the days, listen to news
Alone in house, swimming in the thoughts
About our whirlwind romance and the marriage

You fed me with frittata , I laughed and said
I will not eat the eggs till the rest of my life 
We took a walk , suddenly bombs fell near us
You put your arms around , whispering don't be afraid

The war is over now , but you did not comeback
No proof the dead or the alive, gut feeling tells
You still here on the earth, in the Russian side
So , why or why you never wrote ?

The horror tales brought by ones who made it
The snow swallowing the strength , the food is scarce
The soldiers left expiring on the frozen spilled milk
Killed by games the rulers play , caring less of victims

Italy, your sons were dying in the foreign land
Not understanding why they had to suffer
My love you are the one of the statistics 
The karma send the Russian woman , deciding

There was no time yet for you to see the pearly gates 
She fed you , curing body but not soul
The memory completely gone afoul , gaping holes
Mother, me, Mount Vesuvius , broken pieces

The marriage was performed in gratitude 
The baby girl, something was not right
But what?My poor Italian soldier
Lost in the steppes of the sunflowers

You there , I am here finally found out the truth
How unfair , we parted without really tasting fruit
Of love, sunflowers hung their heads trickling
Dewy tears, watching us separating after brief alliance

The sunflowers grew in Russian meadows on the blood and bones
The ruby tulips in The fields of dreams

The ruby tulips in The fields of dreams

The ruby tulips in
The fields of dreams
Screaming for attention
Tongued petals stained 
With a blood , the yellow veins
Snaking , peppering imagination

Oh,tulips in the leas of Holland
No shy maidens in the court of Nature
More like a princesses or queens full of
Themselves in the flower's ball, dancing
With a princes , the crinolines of leaves

Flooring rich soil, the precious bulbs 
Protected from immoral eyes of sky
Birds , angry from futile attempts to get it
Leave on their on , permitting freedom to blossom
Monday 9 September 2013
 I belly- dance you

I belly- dance you

I belly- dance you
In the rapture's catalepsy
Gluing your eyes to smoothness of
The moves, swirling my way inside the heart
I coil , coins on the necklace
Singing mantra , altering the stillness
Thighs shimmy, flirtatiously demanding
In the hasty rhythm to come and join
The bosom heaves in the pulsating motion
Lassoing you in the temptation labyrinth
Your eyes saying I am seduced now
Induce sweet torture on my tired body
You won, i am throwing in white flag
Bring water jug

Bring water jug

Bring water jug

Bring water jug
So I can awash myself from
The dusty roads and cleanse
The sins of past dousing them to bubbles

I want to start anew like virgin
Awaiting hour of truth,daring to try
How does it feel to be reborn
Opening the eyes to things not noticed before

Bring water jug
I will awash black looks of evil folks
Given to me while traveling in foreign lands
Purging myself completely till the end

Bring water jug and I will leave the burdens
Troubling me so much in the liquid coolness
Splashing dirty,greyish liquid out... far away from me

Sleeping Beauty

Sleeping Beauty

Sleeping beauty

You woke me up
From Sleeping Beauty's torpor
Arising senses , sealed with a kiss

I was in passive state too long
Sloth my way through life, cowardly
Abashed to take some steps ahead

I feel alive, even if i suffer
Your Love enshroud me against the harm
You love me like nobody did before

Why me? when there are so many women
More beautiful, more resplendent looking
What did you find in me that others don't retain?

I confess, I love you , love you , love you
Not tired to repeat, I shout on whole world
Ain't no more Sleeping Beauty, rather Joan of Arc
Fighting for the cause

Sunday 8 September 2013



The patience is a virtue
I do not possess , dragging
One's feet in game of waiting
Is waste of time I accept with

Great regret, figuring in mind
What could of, should of happen
Wise man said everything
Is possible for person ,who prepared

Long enough, i know is childish
Maybe, but life is way too short
To stand like brave tin soldier
Only to melt in saddest end

I hunger to try my hand
In many things, write , paint
Learn dance latino or cook exotic
Dish...wait , don't rush you say
No, I need to move faster, forward
Time is a substance that waiting for nobody

Saturday 7 September 2013
no image

Behind the dark specs

Behind the dark specs The eyes of the unhappy woman Who does not want the world to see her pain She staring bluntly,holding on to tears Those tears scandalously dripping Betraying what those shades are masking She can't help it been sensitive of nature Aware of people 's silent glances Don't care,don't care what anybody thinking She letting go the river of the sadness And sigh ,cleaning her nose with a hankie Thinking of someone,who is a reason for the whole commotion

Friday 6 September 2013
Lust or love

Lust or love

Lust or love

Many times we are confusing
love and lust, the difference is huge
like ocean and the lake, they could not compare
nor come close in any sense, creating total havoc in the mind

lust, fixation on the body and looks
without any interest in conversation, sex
only sex , guiding the brain , no cuddling after
or the breakfast, studying, starring in each others eyes

lovers only, never friends
relationship is daydreaming illusion, talk over not
keep feelings on frozen level, wearing rose colored
glasses, the real person , please step in and say hello

love, be together always
time without like torture , physical and moral
talking , losing sense of time and space, pure nirvana
hugging , smiling , kissing, holding arms when walking

love, he/she motivates,
giving stimulation be the better person
happiness of lover is important, kindred spirits
meeting at the gates of paradise, heaven on the earth

one thing is never wrong... the lust for life,
the lust for love

by Margaret Gudkov
Dream on

Dream on

Dream on

Dream of me
in a midsummer night
dream of me
under brightness of the sunshine
dream of me
in a rainy,gloomy day,when nature cries
dream of me
sitting in cafe,smoking,sipping wine
dream of me
dancing cha cha in Rio carnival
dream of me
in wedding dress,waltzing on a ballroom floor
dream of me
in agonizing pain,don't give up the fight
dream,dream my love
don't stop

by Margaret Gudkov
Call me a witch, the siren, voodoo queen

Call me a witch, the siren, voodoo queen

Call me a witch, the siren, voodoo queen
I lay a spell on you, lead to the realm of spirits
i jumble all misfortunes, afflictions, miseries ,
hardships into enchanted cauldron , boil
disperse them in a vapor, disintegrate into thin air

trust me, I will not let you down
with the baton, conjure protective aura around
the defense wall, break cocoon of evil, lift burden
I perform the white magic only, wishing good things to come
never black, it will boomerang right back at you, bad karma

no need to worry much, I prophesy , me at your side
you soon be cleared from debacles, fiascoes never tangle your life
no havoc in the making, everything will be alright, have faith
now , I must go, the broom is waiting, the twigs buzzing
in the anticipation, have a rendezvous with destiny tonight, adieux

by Margaret Gudkov
I cannot describe How my heart is fumbling now

I cannot describe How my heart is fumbling now

I cannot describe
How my heart is fumbling now
Squeezed tightly in the unyielding
Grip of the death wish

I am tired from the life
Harassed by the rigid dowry
Left for me in long procession
What my ancestors did in past

Or maybe did not do
I pay for it severely now, appraised
And discounted with an iron hand
The raped senses agony branded

Sibilating emblem on the heart
Holding bated breath ,awaiting
Love to shower joyful confetti
Guess i fell asleep when God was
Giving out happiness ..and missed my stroke of luck
Thursday 5 September 2013
You violated me

You violated me

You violated me
Entering the body
Despite the cries and
Appeals to stop this madness deed

Ignoring,you continued
Satisfying urge of the sick mind
Calling me crazy, saying we been
Together quite long time, is nothing wrong

What kinda pleasure man
Acquire when he holds woman
Against her will, combatively fighting off
Sobbing the rivers, eyes closing in revolt

Do not try to dominate
Playing the big man, after all you lost
Not gaining anything, abhorrence and
Disgust not to see your face is my burning wish

Throw the attempts to not let me go
It is futile ...I am not here .... gone .... goodby

by Margaret Gudkov

painting by Ryohei Hase
The screaming rain

The screaming rain

The screaming rain beating at my face like 1000 drums
I am crying, salty tears mixing with a water in one ocean gushing over, leaving me vacate breathless, requiring air urgently, i am drowning I cry, silently in vain nobody see or feel it, the rain covers everything hoisting the pain to far away place, I feel lighter than the feather, no body aches to suffer anymore weightless , the soul only seagull, freed of yoke of hate by Margaret Gudkov "Crying in the rain " by Rosalian
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